
open class Session
extension Session: RequestDelegate

Session creates and manages Alamofire’s Request types during their lifetimes. It also provides common functionality for all Requests, including queuing, interception, trust management, redirect handling, and response cache handling.

  • Shared singleton instance used by all AF.request APIs. Cannot be modified.



    public static let `default`: Session
  • Underlying URLSession used to create URLSessionTasks for this instance, and for which this instance’s delegate handles URLSessionDelegate callbacks.


    This instance should NOT be used to interact with the underlying URLSessionTasks. Doing so will break internal Alamofire logic that tracks those tasks.



    public let session: URLSession
  • Instance’s SessionDelegate, which handles the URLSessionDelegate methods and Request interaction.



    public let delegate: SessionDelegate
  • Root DispatchQueue for all internal callbacks and state update. MUST be a serial queue.



    public let rootQueue: DispatchQueue
  • Value determining whether this instance automatically calls resume() on all created Requests.



    public let startRequestsImmediately: Bool
  • DispatchQueue on which URLRequests are created asynchronously. By default this queue uses rootQueue as its target, but a separate queue can be used if request creation is determined to be a bottleneck. Always profile and test before introducing an additional queue.



    public let requestQueue: DispatchQueue
  • DispatchQueue passed to all Requests on which they perform their response serialization. By default this queue uses rootQueue as its target but a separate queue can be used if response serialization is determined to be a bottleneck. Always profile and test before introducing an additional queue.



    public let serializationQueue: DispatchQueue
  • RequestInterceptor used for all Request created by the instance. RequestInterceptors can also be set on a per-Request basis, in which case the Request‘s interceptor takes precedence over this value.



    public let interceptor: RequestInterceptor?
  • ServerTrustManager instance used to evaluate all trust challenges and provide certificate and key pinning.



    public let serverTrustManager: ServerTrustManager?
  • RedirectHandler instance used to provide customization for request redirection.



    public let redirectHandler: RedirectHandler?
  • CachedResponseHandler instance used to provide customization of cached response handling.



    public let cachedResponseHandler: CachedResponseHandler?
  • CompositeEventMonitor used to compose Alamofire’s defaultEventMonitors and any passed EventMonitors.



    public let eventMonitor: CompositeEventMonitor
  • EventMonitors included in all instances. [AlamofireNotifications()] by default.



    public let defaultEventMonitors: [EventMonitor]
  • Creates a Session from a URLSession and other parameters.


    When passing a URLSession, you must create the URLSession with a specific delegateQueue value and pass the delegateQueue‘s underlyingQueue as the rootQueue parameter of this initializer.



    public init(session: URLSession,
                delegate: SessionDelegate,
                rootQueue: DispatchQueue,
                startRequestsImmediately: Bool = true,
                requestQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
                serializationQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
                interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
                serverTrustManager: ServerTrustManager? = nil,
                redirectHandler: RedirectHandler? = nil,
                cachedResponseHandler: CachedResponseHandler? = nil,
                eventMonitors: [EventMonitor] = [])



    Underlying URLSession for this instance.


    SessionDelegate that handles session‘s delegate callbacks as well as Request interaction.


    Root DispatchQueue for all internal callbacks and state updates. MUST be a serial queue.


    Determines whether this instance will automatically start all Requests. true by default. If set to false, all Requests created must have .resume() called. on them for them to start.


    DispatchQueue on which to perform URLRequest creation. By default this queue will use the rootQueue as its target. A separate queue can be used if it’s determined request creation is a bottleneck, but that should only be done after careful testing and profiling. nil by default.


    DispatchQueue on which to perform all response serialization. By default this queue will use the rootQueue as its target. A separate queue can be used if it’s determined response serialization is a bottleneck, but that should only be done after careful testing and profiling. nil by default.


    RequestInterceptor to be used for all Requests created by this instance. nil by default.


    ServerTrustManager to be used for all trust evaluations by this instance. nil by default.


    RedirectHandler to be used by all Requests created by this instance. nil by default.


    CachedResponseHandler to be used by all Requests created by this instance. nil by default.


    Additional EventMonitors used by the instance. Alamofire always adds a AlamofireNotifications EventMonitor to the array passed here. [] by default.

  • Creates a Session from a URLSessionConfiguration.


    This initializer lets Alamofire handle the creation of the underlying URLSession and its delegateQueue, and is the recommended initializer for most uses.



    public convenience init(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration =,
                            delegate: SessionDelegate = SessionDelegate(),
                            rootQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.session.rootQueue"),
                            startRequestsImmediately: Bool = true,
                            requestQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
                            serializationQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
                            interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
                            serverTrustManager: ServerTrustManager? = nil,
                            redirectHandler: RedirectHandler? = nil,
                            cachedResponseHandler: CachedResponseHandler? = nil,
                            eventMonitors: [EventMonitor] = [])



    URLSessionConfiguration to be used to create the underlying URLSession. Changes to this value after being passed to this initializer will have no effect. by default.


    SessionDelegate that handles session‘s delegate callbacks as well as Request interaction. SessionDelegate() by default.


    Root DispatchQueue for all internal callbacks and state updates. MUST be a serial queue. DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.session.rootQueue") by default.


    Determines whether this instance will automatically start all Requests. true by default. If set to false, all Requests created must have .resume() called. on them for them to start.


    DispatchQueue on which to perform URLRequest creation. By default this queue will use the rootQueue as its target. A separate queue can be used if it’s determined request creation is a bottleneck, but that should only be done after careful testing and profiling. nil by default.


    DispatchQueue on which to perform all response serialization. By default this queue will use the rootQueue as its target. A separate queue can be used if it’s determined response serialization is a bottleneck, but that should only be done after careful testing and profiling. nil by default.


    RequestInterceptor to be used for all Requests created by this instance. nil by default.


    ServerTrustManager to be used for all trust evaluations by this instance. nil by default.


    RedirectHandler to be used by all Requests created by this instance. nil by default.


    CachedResponseHandler to be used by all Requests created by this instance. nil by default.


    Additional EventMonitors used by the instance. Alamofire always adds a AlamofireNotifications EventMonitor to the array passed here. [] by default.

All Requests API

  • Perform an action on all active Requests.


    The provided action closure is performed asynchronously, meaning that some Requests may complete and be unavailable by time it runs. Additionally, this action is performed on the instances’s rootQueue, so care should be taken that actions are fast. Once the work on the Requests is complete, any additional work should be performed on another queue.



    public func withAllRequests(perform action: @escaping (Set<Request>) -> Void)



    Closure to perform with all Requests.

  • Cancel all active Requests, optionally calling a completion handler when complete.


    This is an asynchronous operation and does not block the creation of future Requests. Cancelled Requests may not cancel immediately due internal work, and may not cancel at all if they are close to completion when cancelled.



    public func cancelAllRequests(completingOnQueue queue: DispatchQueue = .main, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)



    DispatchQueue on which the completion handler is run. .main by default.


    Closure to be called when all Requests have been cancelled.








  • Creates an UploadRequest for the multipart form data built using a closure and sent using the provided URLRequest components and RequestInterceptor.

    It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading MultipartFormData. If the cumulative payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be used for larger payloads such as video content.

    The encodingMemoryThreshold parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory or stream from disk. If the content length of the MultipartFormData is below the encodingMemoryThreshold, encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding technique was used.



    open func upload(multipartFormData: @escaping (MultipartFormData) -> Void,
                     to url: URLConvertible,
                     usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
                     method: HTTPMethod = .post,
                     headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
                     interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
                     fileManager: FileManager = .default,
                     requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> UploadRequest



    MultipartFormData building closure.


    URLConvertible value to be used as the URLRequest‘s URL.


    Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or onto disk before being uploaded. MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold by default.


    HTTPMethod for the URLRequest. .post by default.


    HTTPHeaders value to be added to the URLRequest. nil by default.


    RequestInterceptor value to be used by the returned DataRequest. nil by default.


    FileManager to be used if the form data exceeds the memory threshold and is written to disk before being uploaded. .default instance by default.


    RequestModifier which will be applied to the URLRequest created from the provided parameters. nil by default.

    Return Value

    The created UploadRequest.

  • Creates an UploadRequest using a MultipartFormData building closure, the provided URLRequestConvertible value, and a RequestInterceptor.

    It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading MultipartFormData. If the cumulative payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be used for larger payloads such as video content.

    The encodingMemoryThreshold parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory or stream from disk. If the content length of the MultipartFormData is below the encodingMemoryThreshold, encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding technique was used.



    open func upload(multipartFormData: @escaping (MultipartFormData) -> Void,
                     with request: URLRequestConvertible,
                     usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
                     interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
                     fileManager: FileManager = .default) -> UploadRequest



    MultipartFormData building closure.


    URLRequestConvertible value to be used to create the URLRequest.


    Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or onto disk before being uploaded. MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold by default.


    RequestInterceptor value to be used by the returned DataRequest. nil by default.


    FileManager to be used if the form data exceeds the memory threshold and is written to disk before being uploaded. .default instance by default.

    Return Value

    The created UploadRequest.

  • Creates an UploadRequest for the prebuilt MultipartFormData value using the provided URLRequest components and RequestInterceptor.

    It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading MultipartFormData. If the cumulative payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be used for larger payloads such as video content.

    The encodingMemoryThreshold parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory or stream from disk. If the content length of the MultipartFormData is below the encodingMemoryThreshold, encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding technique was used.



    open func upload(multipartFormData: MultipartFormData,
                     to url: URLConvertible,
                     usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
                     method: HTTPMethod = .post,
                     headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
                     interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
                     fileManager: FileManager = .default,
                     requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> UploadRequest



    MultipartFormData instance to upload.


    URLConvertible value to be used as the URLRequest‘s URL.


    Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or onto disk before being uploaded. MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold by default.


    HTTPMethod for the URLRequest. .post by default.


    HTTPHeaders value to be added to the URLRequest. nil by default.


    RequestInterceptor value to be used by the returned DataRequest. nil by default.


    FileManager to be used if the form data exceeds the memory threshold and is written to disk before being uploaded. .default instance by default.


    RequestModifier which will be applied to the URLRequest created from the provided parameters. nil by default.

    Return Value

    The created UploadRequest.

  • Creates an UploadRequest for the prebuilt MultipartFormData value using the providing URLRequestConvertible value and RequestInterceptor.

    It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading MultipartFormData. If the cumulative payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be used for larger payloads such as video content.

    The encodingMemoryThreshold parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory or stream from disk. If the content length of the MultipartFormData is below the encodingMemoryThreshold, encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding technique was used.



    open func upload(multipartFormData: MultipartFormData,
                     with request: URLRequestConvertible,
                     usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
                     interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
                     fileManager: FileManager = .default) -> UploadRequest



    MultipartFormData instance to upload.


    URLRequestConvertible value to be used to create the URLRequest.


    Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or onto disk before being uploaded. MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold by default.


    RequestInterceptor value to be used by the returned DataRequest. nil by default.


    FileManager instance to be used by the returned UploadRequest. .default instance by default.

    Return Value

    The created UploadRequest.
